
Get the data

The SAGE II data is not provided with the pysagereader package but can be obtained from NASA ASDC.

Install the package

To install the package from PyPI

pip install pysagereader

Loading the data

By default data is loaded into an xarray dataset that can be easily sliced, subset, and plotted.

from pysagereader import SAGEIILoaderV700
sage = SAGEIILoaderV700(data_folder=r'/path/to/sage/data')
data = sage.load_data(min_date='2000-1-1', max_date='2003-12-31', min_lat=-10, max_lat=10)
data.O3.plot(x='time', robust=True)

Creating NetCDF files

The xarray package also provides convenient export to NetCDF files

from pysagereader import SAGEIILoaderV700
sage = SAGEIILoaderV700(data_folder=r'/path/to/sage/data')
data = sage.load_data(min_date='2000-1-1', max_date='2001-12-31')

Or from the command line:

python /install/directory/pysagereader/make_netcdf.py -i /sageii/data/folder -o /output/folder -time_res yearly